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Hirtenstraße 19, 10178 Berlin, Germany
+49 30 24041420




People at the core

From the early day labourers to traders to office executives, our colleagues are the driving force behind our growth. As the company expanded further over the decades, our founder, Mr. Kwek Hong Png, valued employees as part of the extended family, motivating them with his energy and spirit to grow the business together. They come from diverse backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives, with the common goal of upholding our core principles of integrity, excellence, and teamwork.

To us, they are not just employees, but valued members of the Hong Leong family who stood by us through thick and thin. They exemplify our value of “think fast, work faster”, which is critical in enabling our growth from a small trading firm to the success we are today.

What remained unchanged over the decades is our recognition that our people lie at the heart of our success. That’s why we want Hong Leong Asia (HLA) to not just be a workplace, but a home that we have built together. Our people have been and will remain our greatest asset.




Empowering future generations

At HLA, we believe that true success lies beyond financial growth. We see immense value in nurturing young talent and empowering them to become the next generation of leaders. We believe this is critical both for our business as well as for the community at large.

That’s why we constantly share our expertise and experience in our core business with young talent and provide opportunities for them to work with us in contributing towards innovative urban solutions for future cities. We have also supported communities through our ESG actions over the past six decades, and we look forward to doing more. One recent contribution is towards the Lee Kuan Yew Centennial Fund, which is dedicated to shaping visionary leaders who embody the values and ideals of Singapore’s founding leader.

Having been part of Singapore’s rich history, we want to continue our legacy by giving back, as part of living our core value of “Creating an impact beyond our business”. We are excited to see the impact of our efforts on nurturing more leaders of tomorrow