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Hirtenstraße 19, 10178 Berlin, Germany
+49 30 24041420
Hong Leong Dragon
Pioneering and innovating industrial solutions

As a pioneer driving Singapore’s industrialisation through the decades, Hong Leong Asia (HLA) stands at the threshold of a promising future, guided by our three pillars: People, Responsibility, and Innovation. Our journey has been shaped by the dedication of our staff, a strong commitment to responsibility, and the relentless pursuit of innovation. This mural, celebrating our heritage, not only showcases our rich history but also serves as a timeless reminder of the values that drive us forward into the next exciting chapter of our story.

 Looking ahead, we believe in the future of the built environment and mobility sectors, and how they will be critical for cities of tomorrow. That’s why we continue to strengthen our core businesses to be future-ready by investing to further vertical and horizontal growth as well as embedding innovation and sustainability into everything we do. Hong Leong Asia is excited to power our second engine of growth with a renewed sense of purpose and look forward to celebrating many more decades ahead.

Learn more about our pillars of growth.